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How to setup an ads.txt file in blogger blog for google adsense?

Yesterday when I logged in to google adsense I saw a notice in red color as follows,

Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue.

It doesn’t matter how much or little I earn from my blogs but what matter is that I do earn despite of the amount I earn. So this notice really took out of my world.

What this notice want you to do is that it want you to create and upload a file called ads.txt in the root of your domain. So if your domain is, www.example.com then your ads.txt file should be found at www.example.com/ads.txt

How to setup an ads.txt file in blogger blog for google adsense? 

If you website is at a subdomain such as mysite.parent-site.com then your ads.txt file should be found at mysite.parent-site.com/ads.txt

Now what to put in the ads.txt file?

Well for this moment, in case of adsense, you don’t have to worry. There is a option called FIX NOW in the notice itself. Click on FIX NOW

In the next page you see a list of domains where you need to put the ads.txt followed by a DOWNLOAD button. Click on that DOWNLOAD button to get the ads.txt

Uploading ads.txt in Root of Blogger Blog

So now you have the ads.txt

  1. Login to your blogger dashboard
  2. Move to the blog for which you want to upload ads.txt
  3. In the left menu, go to the Settings
  4. Click on Search Preferences under Settings
  5. Scroll down to bottom, there is a section called Monetization
  6. Under Monetization, find Custom ads.txt. This option is not enabled in initially, so check YES beside Enable Customer ads.txt Content?
  7. You will see a input area will become visible. You have to copy the content of your previously downloaded adx.txt file and paste those here in this input box.
  8. After that, just click on Save Changes and you are done

Just sit back and relax, google-blogger-adsense will take care of the rest.

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